A Sunday Night Feeling

Jetlag, after 2 days weekend. Bukan berarti gw abis bepergian pake pesawat (in fact i never had a trip on a plane in my life *giggle*); tp saat weekend, tiba-tiba bioritmis gw berubah, gw ga bs tidur cepet (dan tentunya bangun cepet).

Kaya hari sabtu kmrn, gw balik dr warnet langganan jam 1 pagi; ngebajakin e-book yang 'nice to have' (karena gw ga yakin bakalan gw baca). Otomatis gw tidur jam 3 pagi, bangun jam 10.30.. Kepala sih ga pusing spt biasanya klo abis bgadang, tp perut mual (ga tau kenapa).
*Thinking : Ntr gw cari ah artikel kesehatan ttg begadang, khususnya mengenai tips2 mengatasi sindrom after taste begadang.*

Trus.. Spt biasa gw bikin yg namanya weekly report buat dikirim besok senin buat pak Herman (dulu buat mbak Yenny). Sbnrnya bs dikerjain bsk pagi sih.. Tp dipikir-pikir besok pagi msh bnyk yg harus gw kerjain, mengingat ini udah akhir bulan, byk report-report lain yang hrs diselesein : pseudoephedrine, update MRP, MPS, write-off, PLUS besok pak Nardi cuti - dan pas saat mulai temperature mapping. Phew.. Lots of things to do, but not things to be complained of! -wonder what had given me this positivity?*smile*-
and now.. It's 01.27am.. Better off to bed.. Besok harus dateng paling pagi buat bukain kunci..
Nighty night bloggie..
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    gandj priadi
    Bandung, West Java, Indonesia
    I'm a 27 y.o. male pharmacist working in national state owned company, particularly in vaccine production field. I love music, writing, reading, sharing my filled-head-thoughts stupidly :D What's predominant about me : It is much better making fun of yourself than of others, and always try hard to avoid being a smartass because it's not cool at all.. :)
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